Medtop: Social Care Award

an award for social care products or services, recognizing their innovative solutions and commitment to improving societal well-being


An award for non-commercial healthcare companies, social care products, or services, making exceptional contributions to the healthcare industry.

Medtop label is awarded in categories such as innovation, environmental friendliness, quality of service, ergonomics, stability of development, and others to help manufacturers show their superiority
The entry for Medtop Award 2024 is open!

Major benefits of participation in the Award

  • For Business

    • Enhance sales by increasing the credibility
    • Gain recognition in the industry
    • Increase loyalty among customers, investors, and partners
    • Cultivate long-term Brand Building
    • Expand global Networking opportunities
  • For Teams

    • Increase morale and motivation
    • Gain evidence about work performance
    • Strengthen the HR-brand
  • For Professionals

    • Forge partnerships with industry leaders
    • Expand your professional network
    • Strengthen the personal brand
    • Attract global career opportunities
Who can participate

any social care company can participate in the competition
How to participate

apply by selecting up to five categories of participation and the region where you compete
Who is the jury panel

the panel consists of doctors, scientists, and heads of medical organizations around the world specific to the region
What is the result

the product receives the title Medtop Social Care Award and a descriptor corresponding to its category and region of participation, and the digital tools tell clients and partners about its success

Learn about benefits

that your company receives as a Medtop winner

  • Recognition
    of your and company's contribution to the development of medicine around the world
  • Digitalization
    by telling the world about the uniqueness of your products with the help of marketing tools available to the winners
  • Networking
    getting known top professionals in the healthcare sector, to collaborate with

  • PR opportunities
    by telling the world about our winners online and offline in all available languages where we operate
Get a certificate and the record in blockchain
The Medtop Certificate is uniquely identified and has detailed information about the winners' achievements and features, which can be accessed by scanning a QR code on the certificate.
Get a statuette
Get a Medtop metal statuette if several of your products receive the Medtop Award quality mark
Company's landing
Get a personal company page where all your products that have received a special Medtop quality mark will be placed, as well as additional materials related to this event
Participate in exhibitions
Every year Medtop presents its winners as an exposition at the world's leading exhibitions, with a total attendance of more than 100,000 people

Tools for enhancing your PR

every Medtop Winner gets profit using all of the PR opportunities with our digital tools
  • Distribution of press releases

    After the winners' list is published, Medtop sends out a press release to partner online and offline publications
  • Interview with top management

    We will post a short interview with the top management of your company, in which they will be able to share what has become a success factor in obtaining the recognition of experts
  • Templated text-samples

    You will receive ready-made text templates for mailing to your partners and posting on your resources
  • Demo-videos

    You will receive a dynamic demo video in infographic format about the winning equipment, which you can send to customers and partners along with information about the victory
  • Unique product landing page

    You will receive a modern landing page, which will contain information and characteristics about the winning equipment

Meet the Medtop Award 2023 Judges

the list is periodically updated and all of the juries will be published a month before the event
  • Clinical Informatics Lead - Systems Development and Business Intelligence | Consultant at Acute Medicine
    England, United Kingdom
  • Hospital Pharmacist | Project Manager at Tendable
    England, United Kingdom
  • Chairman at the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA)
    England, United Kingdom
  • Intellectual Capital Consultant | 8-Time TEDxSpeaker | 18 HR Certifications | Award-Winning Author & HR Journalist | Trainer & MBA Lecturer | CSR Activist
  • Experienced Principal with a demonstrated history of working in the health care industry. Strong professional skills in Pharmaceuticals, Market Analysis, Strategy, Acquisitions, Biotechnology, Management, and the Pharmaceutical Industry
    England, United Kingdom
  • Senior DevOps Engineer at Openprovider, Netherlands | 10 years of experience in cloud infrastracture | Certified expert in Kubernetes, AWS and Microsoft Azure solutions
  • Awarded HR Leader & strategic Thinker | Certified Performance Coach | Transformation Specialist | International Speaker 
    United Arab Emirates
  • President at International Association for Disaster Mental Health | Psychiatry | Organizational & Disaster Mental Health | Digital Health | Crisis & Negotiation | Partnership | Speaker
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Medical & Patient Affairs Director at Servier
    Mumbai, India
Entry opportunities
Participants are assured of their inclusion in the participation. Each entry undergoes an evaluation process. Our esteemed panel of judges meticulously reviews each entry based on the defined criteria, recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions.
Early bird
June 1 - November 30, 2023
October 1,2023 - August 31, 2024
Last call
September 1, 2024 - October 30, 2024
We find, award and provide digital marketing tools for healthcare industry members in order to help them become known worldwide

Germany, Berlin, Gross-Berliner-Damm 153, 12489

email us:
call us: +49 15735982125