The award mark for a Chief Executive Officer of a company in the healthcare sector who demonstrated significant impact on its company, team, corporate culture, and the market itself by effectively leading and managing skills
The award mark for a professional in the healthcare sector who demonstrated significant impact on any field of the sector by leading or launching the unique projects
- The effective treatment specialist
The award mark for a professional who demonstrated significant results in treating patients or developing new treatment approaches
- The effective diagnostic specialist
The award mark for a professional who demonstrated significant results in diagnostic, increasing screening programs, or developing a new combination of diagnostical approaches
The award mark for a person who contributes to science its knowledge, work, or administrative and financial resources
The award mark for a professional with significant results in science or market researches fields
The award mark for a person who demonstrates significant results in a professional field and combines it with effective results in other fields
- The adherent of innovation
The award mark for a person who uses innovative approaches in managing a team that previously was driven by more traditional approaches
- The effective nurse unit manager
The award mark for a nurse unit manager whose team demonstrates significant results in patient care
The award mark for a professional with outstanding results whose age is under 35 years
The award mark for a professional with a successful case of leading a company out of a crisis or whose expertise led a company significantly expand from the bottom to a top
The award mark for a professional with a continuous record of successful surgery cases
- The essential specialist in complex diseases
The award mark for a professional with a longtime working record as an expert of treating or diagnosing complex diseases
- The avowed healthcare volunteer
The award mark for a person with significant records of voluntary work in the healthcare sector who demonstrates a great example of social responsibility
The award mark for a professional who developed a treatment or diagnostic approach that has the potential of becoming a standard or has already become an industry standard
- The innovative health incentives initiator
The award mark for a professional with continuous records in launching successful projects in the healthcare sector
The award mark for an intern or resident who demonstrated outstanding results compared to peers
The award mark for professionals who develop and supports the systematic approach to creating an exceptional patient experience
- Significant contribution to a team
The award mark for a professional whose expertise or wise decisions have led a team to a successful result
The award mark for a professional who teaches a systematic approach to become a successful professional and a reliable person itself
The award mark a team leader whose projects success usually are based on achieving the patients' needs and satisfaction
- The irreplaceable specialist
The award mark for a professional whose expertise and leading style are unique that may be considered to be "irreplaceable" by its administration or partners